
Will Your Facebook Messenger Bot Cause You Major Headaches?

Are you thinking of using a Facebook Messenger bot? If you are, you have probably heard of all the advantages that bot programs offer to businesses, especially small businesses that don’t have the time or money to build their own customer service systems. But bot programs are not all good news. We’ve also learned that there is a dark side to Facebook Messenger Bots.

facebook messenger bot

Bot apps (a.k.a Facebook messenger bots) basically create a virtual conversation between someone on the computer and someone in Facebook. The way the process works, of course, is through bots that are programmed by humans. You’ve heard the buzz. Bot bots will eventually replace mobile apps.

The dark side of facebook messenger bots isn’t so much the fact that it takes over your application like a robot, but it’s the fact that bots can do things that might cause damage to your business. Imagine, for example, that you want to make an image credit for one of your clients. You have a client with an account already, and you want to make an image credit for them. When you give the bot the credit information, imagine what it does with that image. Not only do bots access sensitive information (like a bank account number or credit card number), but they use the image credit you gave them to post an image on Facebook.

This poses a huge problem because if you’ve done anything on the chat system that might put your user name in a negative light, it could be catastrophic for your company. Bots will be able to post images, status updates and anything else that saves time or that is useful to someone else. If you are using image credit for your customer service or profile information, imagine what this means for your business. Can you imagine how people will react when they see a person with a green face making a reference to your product or service? It’s likely that your brand image will suffer, and your customer service team could even become unproductive because of this issue.

Bots can also affect you as a business. Bots are going to make a lot of changes that will either help you or hurt you. For example, Facebook is testing a feature that allows businesses to share a photo of themselves and a customer with everyone else on their friends list. This might be great if your business is trendy, but what if it’s the logo of your competitor?

It is important that you make sure that your Facebook Messenger Bot is not a distraction. Bots are going to be used to post images, status updates and anything else that saves time. If you’re not careful, it could even end up slowing down the productivity of your team. Chat bots are all around us, but we need to be careful with the ones that we let into our lives. Bot chatrollers are here to help, but only if they are equipped to handle the real world.


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